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A Beginner's Guide to Adult Colouring

Adult colouring has taken the world by storm in recent years, becoming a beloved pastime for people of all ages. While colouring books are traditionally associated with children, adult colouring

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Top Storybooks to Pack for Your Vacation: A Curated List for Kids

When planning a family vacation, there's nothing better than packing a few captivating storybooks for kids to keep them entertained and spark their imaginations. Whether you are embarking on a

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Top Activity Books for Exploring Literary Genres and their Authors: A Comprehensive Review

Introducing children to the world of literature can be an exciting journey, especially when done through literary activities. These activities not only engage young readers but also provide them with

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Yoga for Beginners: Simple Steps to Get Started

Yoga for Beginners: Simple Steps to Get Started If you are new to yoga, you might feel overwhelmed by the different styles and poses. However, starting a yoga practice can

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What Kids Can Do to Save Endangered Animals?

Here are some practical steps kids can take to help save endangered animals and make a difference.

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How to Write Your Own Fairy Tale: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Writing your own fairy tale is a fun and creative way to express your imagination. By following this step-by-step guide for beginners, you will have

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Why Does Shakespeare Matter? Reasons to Read Him Even Today

Shakespeare’s works remain relevant today because they explore universal themes, feature complex characters, use rich language, and continue to influence modern storytelling.

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Celebrating Differences: Teaching Kids the Beauty of Diversity

Imagine a world where everyone looked the same, thought the same, and did the same things every day. It would be like living in a world where everything is one

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Top 7 Therapeutic Benefits of Activity Books for Adults

In today’s fast-paced world, the pursuit of wellness and mental health has become increasingly important. While there are many avenues to explore in achieving a balanced life, one often overlooked

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Understanding Nature With Activity Books

Exploring Nature with Activity Books With the immense popularity of screens and digital distractions, fostering a love for the outdoors in children has never been more crucial. The fresh air,

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A Journey Through Aesop's Fables:

Timeless Tales with a Modern Twist  We've all heard stories like "The Hare and the Tortoise," "The Ant and the Grasshopper," and "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." These tales have

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Tips and Tricks for a Pun-tastic Conversation

Have you ever found yourself in a social gathering, struggling to make an impression or start a conversation? Or maybe you're just looking for a way to add a bit

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12 Educational Values of Children’s Activity Books.

Children’s activity books are not just fun and games. They carry an added educational value with them. Click here to know about them.

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Shakespeare With a Twist

Gather ‘round for a journey to William Shakespeare's world! Shakespeare, with his ruffled collar and quill pen, is cooler than a cucumber in a freezer. So, put on your Elizabethan

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Best Storybooks for Children: A Must-Read List

Reading stories is a wonderful activity for children as it keeps them happy and entertained while fostering their development. To help children enjoy reading even more, Offshoot Books offers a

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Say Hello to the Shakespearean Heroes

We all have been touched by the timeless works of William Shakespeare. His plays resonate across generations, captivating audiences with their rich characters and universal themes. From star-crossed lovers to

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Colour-Riot Therapy: Why Unleashing Your Inner Kindergarten Picasso Is Good for Your Mind, Body, and Funny Bone!

Greetings, my fellow adventurers of colourful creativity! Today, we embark on an exciting journey into the world of colouring books, where creative expression knows no bounds and laughter dances in

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10 Offshoot Kids Books That Are Perfect For Your Kids

What do you do when you want to gift something meaningful to your kids? Toys and candies seem fine at times but what about things that they can make best

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6 Authors You Should Read If You Love To Have A Good Laugh

Who doesn't love to share a good laugh? All of us do. While some situations may themselves turn into a scene providing much-awaited comic relief from the monotony, others require

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5 Classic Christmas Tales To Read During This Holiday Season

Christmas is synonymous with festivities, family time and eating. It's the festival of hope, joy and peace. No matter how your year has been, come Christmas and the world turns

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7 Shakespearean Insults To Swear By

The great 'Bard of Avon' has been undisputedly declared the 'greatest playwright of all times', apart from numerous other titles bestowed upon him that seal the deal for his unchallengeable

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6 Authors You Should Read If You Love The Idea Of Romance

The genre of romance entices the readers. It is the place where they take a leap of faith to dive into the deep ocean of sugar and spice and everything

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7 Offshoot Books You Must Have If You Love Coloring

Gone are the days when the art of coloring was only meant for kids. Now, this activity has been adopted by adults as well. In a life filled with mundanity

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6 Authors You Should Read If You're Into Science Fiction

Sci-fi is a genre that is not bracketed to the so-called nerds of the groups. The genre, laced with the ideas of the use of modern technology that can assist

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7 Little But Meaningful Things All Book Lovers Do

In this fast-changing world, many of us adapt ourselves to the developments taking place. And we have to because Grandpa Darwin gave us an important advice in his concept of

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7 Books Recommended By The Madhatters That You Must Read

It's the World Book Day! As lovers of books who love the musty yet comforting smell of old books and who dread the thought of being awakened from their fantasy

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Vibrant Colour Activities to Brighten Your Vacation

What does a vacation bring?  Relaxation, exploration and most importantly a lot of fun. One way to ensure your vacation is both filled with all of these is by

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A book a day, keeps boredom away!

Reading a book a day is the best antidote to boredom. Far from being a mere pastime, daily reading can transform our lives, fostering creativity, expanding our horizons and providing

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Summer Stories: Meet the Romance Authors Behind the Love Tales

Summer is the perfect time to do some leisure reading. And if you love Romances, you will love what we are going to offer. At Offshoot Books, we have made

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Fun Activities for Kids When Gadgets Are Down

In a world where technology is widespread, it's easy for kids to get lost in screens, tapping on smartphones or staying glued to gaming consoles. But what happens when the

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Exploring The Amazing World of Plants

Plants are all around us. If we just step out of our house, we can see tall towering trees, and little plants around us. And if you have ever walked

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Superhero Strategies to Shoo Away Anxiety

Superhero Strategies to Shoo Away Anxiety Anxiety can be a frightening opponent. But just like your favourite superheroes, you have the power within yourself to conquer your worries and emerge

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Exploring the Wonders of the Animal Kingdom

Exploring the Wonders of the Animal Kingdom  The animal kingdom, also known as Animalia, is one of the major biological kingdoms and comprises all multicellular organisms capable of locomotion and

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Fables: A Treasure Trove of Stories for Every Reader

Are you looking for some good reads to immerse in during your spare time? Or are you a new member in the bookworms’ club? Well, we welcome you irrespective of

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Hansel and Gretel - A Tale with a Twist

“Hansel and Gretel” is one of the most enduring tales from the Brothers Grimm collection. It has fascinated audiences for generations. The story follows the adventures of two young siblings,

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Red Riding Hood: A version you have never read before

Red Riding Hood is a timeless fairy tale cherished by all. Originating in European folklore, the story of Red Riding Hood has been a beloved tale for children across centuries.

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Twist in the Tale- Beauty and the Beast

We are back again with another round of appreciation for fairy tales. No matter which new and modern stories emerge, we continue to love fairy tales and they reciprocate the

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Sleeping Beauty - A Fairy Tale with a Twist

Fairy tales are like magical worlds where dreams come to life. They serve as beloved companions for both children and adults. These enchanting stories are crafted with fantastical creatures, intriguing

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Rumpelstiltskin Story In English - Fairy Tales

Fairy tales! Who doesn’t love them! They're magical stories that take us on exciting adventures with amazing creatures. We learn good things like being kind and strong, and the best

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Cinderella Story in English

Fairy tales are like magical stories loved by everyone. They teach us good things like being kind, strong  and never giving up. They whisk us away on exciting adventures with

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The Candy Dragon on a Mission

There are many legends and tales about dragons - mythical creatures that can be friendly, terrifying or wise and all-knowing. These larger-than-life beings captivate our imagination. Today's story is about

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Books with Pictures For Short Story In English

Who doesn’t love stories? And a storybook filled with pictures is something one would cherish! Picture storybooks bring to life the stories our elders tell us, the ones we hear

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Exploring the World of Extinct Animals Through Pictures

Exploring Extinct Animals There are some animals that no longer exist on Earth. They have completely disappeared from the wild, and there are no living animals of their kind. Such

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Where Can We Find the Top 10 Endangered Animals with Endangered Animals Chart?

There are so many types of animals around us. And they all contribute to the wholesomeness of our environment. But not all of them are living a safe and secure

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Drawing Simple Mandala Art : A Comprehensive Guide

Creating a mandala may seem daunting initially, but I assure you it's a manageable easy and rewarding art form achieved through a therapeutic and meditative process.  As we have given

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A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Beautiful Mandala Art

Are you ready for a meditative session of drawing beautiful mandala art? If yes, then hop on for a joy ride where we tell you some suggestions to begin your

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Where Can You Find Inspiration for Mandala Art Designs?

Are you searching for inspiration to kickstart your mandala art? Have you been staring at a blank canvas, pen in hand, unsure of where to begin? If so, we're here

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What are Mandalas?

Mandalas have gained widespread popularity in the recent years. Mandalas can be found in various forms, from intricate hand-drawn designs to colouring books, digital art, and even as decorative elements

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Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs Story In English

Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs: A Twisted Tale of Magic and Lessons Fairytales have long been a cherished part of childhood, weaving enchanting stories that spark imagination and impart

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The Princess and The Frog Story in English

Once upon a time, in a world filled with magical fairytales that shaped our childhood, we're about to reveal a secret – those cherished stories weren't flawless. But fear not,

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Gaga over Yoga! Pretzel-fy Your Body into Bendy Awesomeness

Are you ready to embark on a journey that will make you stretch and become as Zen as a sloth on a hammock? Well, get those yoga pants ready because

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Embrace Your Inner Hermit and Let's Party in Awkwardly Glorious Solitude

 Yo, in a world about extroverts and partying it up, there's a secret hideout for introverts who find pure bliss in their own company. It's like a cosy sanctuary where

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Kids say the darndest things: From babble to baffling brilliance!

Parenthood is a wild roller coaster ride, filled with unexpected twists, turns, and moments that will have you laughing so hard you snort. It's a crazy journey, but those laugh-out-loud

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Rapunzel Story In English - Fairy Tale

Rapunzel’s story is an English fairy tale of a princess that narrates the story of her entrapment in a castle's tower for 17 years. Offshoot’s Rapunzel is a short story

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7 Ways To Deal With Mischievous Kids

All of us agree that kids appear to be innocent but in reality, are mischievous little elves. While we can't blame them as kids are meant to enjoy life (as

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5 Tips You Must Keep In Mind While Traveling With Kids

Traveling with kids is like traveling with a herd of goats. They refuse to stay at one place and wander away to the best hideouts one can think of. This

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7 Ways In Which You Can Make Learning Fun For Your Kids

Education is an important part of a person's life. It not only shapes the understanding of a person but also empowers her/him. One is introduced to the basics of language

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7 gentle ways to discipline your child without hurting their feelings

Children are the precious gifts whom parents adore the most and cannot see upset. But in their mischievous acts, at times, children make such mistakes that they must be corrected.

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7 Things to Keep in Mind While RVIng or Camping With Kids

Going for a vacation or camping with kids always seems to be exciting. But when you think about how the kids are going to behave or how you are going

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Things that can keep your children busy during lockdown

As the world is facing this pandemic, COVID-19, it is challenging to take care of senior citizens as well as children. Also, managing children is difficult especially during the lockdown

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5 Things You Will Relate To If You Are A Party Person

Who doesn’t love to have fun and enjoy life? Who doesn’t want to work hard but party harder? We all do, right? But there are different kinds of people. Some

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7 Must Haves While Traveling Solo

When you decide to travel alone, you not only take a decision to travel all by yourself, but are also confident that you will be able to manage things on

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How To Make Most Of This Festive Season

The best time of the year is when festivals are just around the corner. The joy of sharing, the celebrations, reunion with friends and family, and the memories that will

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7 Things You'll Relate To If You Laugh A Lot!

They say that laughter is the best medicine but there are some who have taken this to another level. They laugh most of the time. Correction: they laugh all the

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5 Reasons Why Daydreaming Isn't A Bad Idea

Have you ever been caught spacing out in the middle of an important conversation? Or, have been accused of not paying attention and being lost in your own fantasy land?

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7 Things You Will Relate To If You Hate Sports

All of us have played sports as a child, be it willingly or forcefully. While some were so involved in sports that they chose it as their career and others

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7 Things All Book Lovers Are Tired Of Hearing

A book is everyone's best friend. It's a trusted companion and transports us to fantastical lands never explored before. And the dusty old pages of the books have their own

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7 Things You'll Relate To If You Are Perpetually Hungry

Some people eat to live and then there are those who live to eat. For these ultimate foodies, a meal is not a simple platter filled with basic food items

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7 Types Of People We Find On Social Media

Social media has not only taken over our lives, but also the world. There is rarely any person you meet these days who is not on a social media platform.

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9 Types Of People You Meet At A Bar

When the Sun sets and the moon dons its hat, it's the time for the night riders to emerge from their homes. Ripping out the mask of sophistication and expectations,

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5 Reasons Why Laughter Is Good For Health

Laugh more often, it won't cost you a penny. In fact, you should share it with one and many. Good for your spirit, good for your health, it is more

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7 Reasons Why Family Vacations Are Important

As a family we wish to create happy memories. And what could be a better way than to go on a family vacation! It's not necessary that you must travel

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5 Ways In Which You Can Ensure You Have Quality 'Me-Time'

What will you do if you have an extra hour for yourself? "At a time when twenty-four in a day are way too less to do all the tasks at

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7 Types of Laughs That'll Make You Reconsider Your Choices

You meet different people in your life – during school days, college or your professional life, or you meet them at different places such as while travelling to office, or at

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7 Things You'll Relate To If You Are A Child Trapped In An Adult's Body

Who does not want to go back to the childhood days? A sweet trip down the memory lane. We're sure all of us remember those days of happiness when there

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9 Funny Days We Wish Were Officially Celebrated Around The World

The world celebrates many festivals – some really interesting while some, er, quite unusual. Though the ones that fall in the latter category are mostly unofficial, created purely out of

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5 Spoilers That Can Ruin Your Travel Plans (And How To Cope With Them)

Traveling is a refreshing activity. Everyone seeks to pack their bags and run away to a faraway land, miles away from the maniac mania that rules their lives. To a

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10 Things To Do When Traveling Solo

Earlier, the idea of travelling solo is always considered weird, but nowadays travelling solo is preferred by many. Travelling all alone has its own charm and set of pros and

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8 Things To Do Before You Turn Old

What is your daily routine like? From home to office, listening to the boss, working you’re hard to complete the tasks and assignments, still get scolded, then come back home

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7 Ways To Make A Comeback After Being Sacked

Being sacked from work is a nightmare. It not only leaves you distressed but also makes your mind think about stuff that you'd never given a thought before, such as,

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7 Dating Etiquette Everyone Should Follow

The idea of a perfect date sounds so great! Be yourself, show your sense of humor and do not hesitate. First impression is always important on a date. Make sure

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7 'Mistakes' You Should Commit Again If Given An Opportunity

Mistakes, We all commit them and try to learn from them so as to evolve oursleves into a better person. We're also asked to learn from others’ mistakes. But are all

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Things We All Should Neglect But Still Do

We do things we like, then we do things that we may not like but still do due to multiple reasons. At a point, we know that certain things are

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Fun and Functional: The Benefits of Yoga for Self-Improvement

Fun and Functional: The Benefits of Yoga for Self-Improvement We all know about Yoga. It is very commonly practised by so many of us. Yoga is an ancient practice that

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7 Things You'll Relate To If You Are A Pet Person

They are adorable and playful. They make your day with their cuteness and goofy antics. They're there for you all the time. And, they accept you for who you are

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7 Things To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do

Life isn’t easy. While there are a lot of highs and an equal number of lows, at times, monotony can seep in. Even when you think you’re fine and everything

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5 Reasons Why You Should Love Yourself At Any Cost

Love yourself. You ask why? Simply because you deserve it. You should reserve the top for yourself than anyone else in your list of priorities created by you. People come

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7 Things You'll Relate To If You Hate Parties

Attend parties, they said. It'll be fun, they said. Well, for many (or some?) parties is not the way to unwind. We won't say they detest going to parties but

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7 Things You'll Relate To If You Are Addicted To Your Phone

In today's world, having a phone is not a luxury but a necessity. With exceptional features that ensure connectivity everywhere every time (with some exceptions that can leave us irritated), it

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7 Things Happy People Do Differently

The first thought that enters your mind when you read the title of this blog is: happiness is a part of life, so no one can always be happy. Or,

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5 Ways To Make A Change In The World

We all want to live in a peaceful, happy world. We all want to contribute to the betterment of the world and make it a beautiful place to live in.

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7 New Year Resolutions You Should Not Take This New Year

With New Year comes new hopes, new aspirations and new resolutions. Every year you make plans, think strategically and take resolutions. But all your efforts go in vain as time

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5 Ways In Which You Can Reclaim Positivity In Your Life

It is said that it is relatively easy to pick a bad habit. We learn to lie at a young age, be aggressive and arrogant, and let's not even get

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7 Things To Do When You Turn Into An Angster Gangster

Life is a roller coaster ride. There are a lot of highs and an equal number of lows but this is not the reason to 'down' another bottle of whiskey.

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Things You Do As Habits When You Are A Happy Person

In this world of challenges, hardships and negativity, we tend to forget the importance of good deeds and happiness. But to do that, we know and understand that incorporating good

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Your Weekly Horoscope: See What’s In Store For You This Week

We, at Offshoot, are geniuses. Now, we don't mean to sound snobbish but that's the truth. We wear many hats, one of them being amazing at reading the future. Oh!

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7 Ways In Which Technology Has Made Us Lazy

Technology has made our lives easy and interesting. With new inventions, it has made many things possible. Before the invention of telephone or mobile phone, who would have imagined that

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7 Hilarious Things We All Do At Workplace But Confess To Never Doing

When we are young adults trying to decipher the meaning of life and wishing upon shooting stars to make it big, we carry varied dreams in our eyes. One day

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7 Things That Make You Happy At Workplace

Having an awesome personal and professional life is what everyone desires. Imagine having a job that satisfies you so much so that you enjoy going to work. Isn’t it an

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5 Things To Keep In Mind While Dating A Colleague

When you fall in love you ignore all advice, everything appears sweet and nice. Love at workplace holds a special charm, but do watch out, or you might come to

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7 Things You Should Never Say To Your Boss

In a professional setup such as the organization where you work, there are certain do's and don'ts, popularly known by its refined name - 'code of conduct', that require you

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8 Methods That Appear To Be A 'Waste Of Time' At Work But Are Productive

When you walk into your workplace, you realize that you have one whole day (we get that it's just 8 hours but those hours are enough to remind us that

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8 Ways To Cope With Monday Blues

Ah! What a weekend! While some party hard, others sleep harder. Let's not forget those who spend their day catching up with long-lost friends over a movie or following the

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5 Ways To Deal With A Stern Boss

A stern boss is a curse in disguise, depends upon whom is your fall and rise. They are there to make your life hell; you have to face them even

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8 Things You Don’t Wish Your Colleagues To Do In 2022 - 23

It is that time of the season again. New year, new beginnings, new promises, new resolutions and new expectations. We all wish that the new year will bring us prosperity,

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5 Things Not To Do At Office Parties

BOOZ-ED! Don't drink too much: Office parties are synonymous with food and drinks. (Ah! There we see you smiling shyly, thinking about your last office party.) Although you get a

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9 Types Of People You Meet At Workplace

They are colleagues, friends, and partners in mischief, they share your smiles, they share your grief. They are the ones with whom you spend your day, let’s talk about them,

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How To Dream At Your Workplace Without Being Caught ? (Episode - I)

At times when work takes a toll, and, you are far from your goal─ the virtues of sleep you’d want to extol, and into the world of dreams you’d rather

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How To Dream At Your Workplace Without Being Caught ? (Episode – II)

Continued from Episode I… So, what next? And what more? 4. Try out clicking on random websites. Make sure you do it at intervals. Tip: Ensure that there is no

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7 Things You Should Never Do In front Of Your Child

Kids are innocent beings who learn from what they see in their surroundings. As kids, they are at an age where they are curious about many things and wish to

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7 Things Parents Should Be Strict About

It is always good to be friends with your children, to know their perspectives and understand their view point. But as a parenting rule, it is not always okay to

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7 Things Children Lie About And What Should Parents Do

Children are innocent beings. They live in a world of their own, away from manipulation, and are true at heart. At times, we as adults also feel like returning to

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5 Reasons Why Pets Are Important For Your Child

Humans enjoy the company of pets. They are not only great companions but also amazing stress busters. And it's not just the adults who love pets but also kids. And

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5 Reasons Why Parents Need To Keep Their Calm In Front Of Their Kids

Being a parent is tough. You not only have to take care of yourself but also tend to the needs of your child. Adding to it,  a lot more responsibilities

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6 Things To Keep In Mind When You Say 'No' To Your Child

As parents, we want to give the best to our children. We want them to grow in an environment where love and harmony reigns and they aren't deprived of the

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5 Reasons Why You Should Not Pamper Your Child Too Much

We love our children and love them so dearly that we can do anything and everything to make them happy. Nowadays, as parents generally have one or two children, their

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5 Ways In Which Parents Can Teach Their Children To Take Care Of Each Other

 All of us wish for a small family of our own where happiness rules every day. But parents often face troubles when they find the harmony of the house

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Things Not To Say To Your Child

We all love our children dearly and do every possible good thing that we can to make them happy. But at times in anger or to make them scared, we

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7 Basic Skills You Must Teach Your Children Before They Enter Their Teenage Years

Parents do every possible thing to raise their children in a suitable environment. Every effort is made to protect, care, love and nurture them (we get that it's not a

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10 Coolest Parenting Tips

We are all mad here. At Offshoot, we meant. So when we think of parenting tips, we think “parenting tips - ah, that's easy stuff!” After all, we've managed to

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7 Reasons Why Having Friends At Work Is Such A Relief

'Work' is a term that can receive mixed reactions from people. If you are working at your dream company, every day is a happy day, but if you are stuck

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7 Things To Keep In Mind While Using Public Transportation

You may live in different areas, be it a suburb or a metropolis, but you will have to opt for the public transportation at some point or the other. It

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Work And Fun-ship

At Offshoot, we love to bring about changes. We love to change our titles (we are forced to! Who buys old titles, jeez?), our seating arrangement, our work processes, our

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8 Ways To Stay Fit When There's Paucity Of Time

If the articles about weight loss and staying fit attract you and you always take the advice of health experts, then you are one of those people who want to

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9 Ways To Cope With Stress

We all get stressed at one point of time. Each one of us have different reasons to be trapped into a stressful phase. Unable to lose weight, work pressure, family

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5 Ways To Ask For A Pay Raise

It's that time of the year! Which time, you ask? We are not sure what the masses in general think of the season but for working professionals, it is the

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