7 gentle ways to discipline your child without hurting their feelings
| Offshoot Books
Children are the precious gifts whom parents adore the most and cannot see upset. But in their mischievous acts, at times, children make such mistakes that they must be corrected. More so, if they behave in a manner that as parents, we understand could ruin their upcoming and can affect what kind of a human being he/she will become, it becomes important to stop them there and make them realize their mistakes.
As parents, it may or may not be easier for you to punish your child, but there could be instances where the punishments can have a deep impact on the child’s mental state.
Here we will discuss things that you should keep in mind while punishing your child without hurting their feelings:
1. Do punish when they have committed a mistake: If you have framed certain rules and regulations for your children and they break them, which you think are harmful for them, never refrain from punishing your children. If you have decided that your child has made a mistake that a punishment can make her/him a lesson, do punish them.
2. Do not bring emotions while punishing: When you have decided, do not bring in emotions the kind of punishment you have suggested for the mistake. For instance, if you restricted your child from having her/his favorite ice-cream for a certain period (as a part of a punishment), never carried away under emotions after few days and offer the same to your child. You need to understand that you are punishing them for their good; therefore, as parents, you too will have to be strong over your own emotions.
3. Do not punish hard if the mistake is unintentional: Punishment is important but understanding the cause and intention of the mistake is also important. If the child has committed a mistake by chance, do not punish her/him hard. Children are innocent beings and they can make mistake with no motive to hurt anyone’s feelings and sentiments. Hence, make sure your punishment should be severe only in case of an intentional misbehavior.
4. Do punish all children equally: If two or more of your children make a mistake mutually, punish them all equally. Never differentiate between an elder or younger sibling while punishing. It will only build the feeling of sibling rivalry among your children.
5. Do punish only for the current mistake: Your child must have made mistakes in the past and you might have ignored it. But, while punishing for a new mischief, never bring in the old mistakes. When you had passed it off earlier, you can do the same now as well.
6. Do not be very harsh while punishing: You may be very angry about the mischief that your child has made but do understand that the punishment should be given as per their age and the mistake and not per the intensity of your anger.
7. Do not use abusive words: No matter how much angry or annoyed you are, while scolding and talking to your children, you must keep in mind the language that you use and speak. Never use abuse words in front of your children. Also, never abuse or say bad words about your spouse when you scold your child for the mistakes.
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