5 Spoilers That Can Ruin Your Travel Plans (And How To Cope With Them)
| Offshoot Books
Traveling is a refreshing activity. Everyone seeks to pack their bags and run away to a faraway land, miles away from the maniac mania that rules their lives. To a land which is sugar and spice and everything nice. But imagine a situation: you're out there vacationing - enjoying the fresh breeze, soaking in the warmth of the Sun, sipping your lemonade and just then your phone flashes a number from your office. It's something you can't ignore.
You take the call and boom! you're asked to cut short your vacation because an urgent matter requires your attention and presence.
You'll be left devastated, won't you?
What will you do in such a situation?
Switch off your phone and return to your drink or head back to your town to get the job done?
Or, if you run out of cash?
You'll land yourself in a fix, won't you?
Here are five spoilers that can ruin your travel plans (psst, and ways to cope with them. We have a warning: we recommend you prioritize your work, see what is right and not follow our (somewhat crazy) suggestions blindly, unless you are looking forward to an adventure in your life.)
1. Missed flight: Stuck in a traffic jam or hung up by friends. Misplaced your ticket / boarding pass or got the date and time wrong. Or simply delayed or worse, canceled flights! Whatever be the reason, it is enough to spoil the mood and eventually, ruin your travel plan that was once supposed to run without any hiccups. To avoid such situations, be prepared in advance. Keep all your important stuff in a bag and hold it for your life. Don't lose guard. For unavoidable situations on the business' part, well, you can't do anything but pray.
2. Office work during vacation: Imagine being given work while you are on a vacation. That's one of the worst things that can happen to an innocent person seeking refuge in nature's lap. An untouched glass of fresh coconut water waiting in one hand while your gaze is fixed on the phone on the other hand. Not a world you'd imagine, right? Then get your priorities straight. Complete your work before sailing away to Everland and ditch your phones. Remember, do not touch your phone at any cost, even if it means being cut off of all your relations or being fired from work (well, we can provide plenty of amazing suggestions).
3. Unsupportive gang: You want to go out and have some fun while they want to be in their room. You want to try every food available while they are too careful to enjoy. You want to go crazy while they want to 'behave'. Or someone falls sick. Sounds irritating, right? Next time, when you want to travel, we suggest you go solo and in case, you prefer reaching out to others while planning, choose your friends wisely. And, if they create problems during the trip, ditch them for a happening trip which goes your way.
4. Canceled trip: There's one thing more horrifying than any of the above – a canceled trip. We can hear your moans of despair as some of you may agree to this situation while others will be transported back to the time when this played out in reality. It is disheartening to see a plan go down the drain after weeks, if not months, of hard work and research. The key to success in such a case is to stick to the plan. If your colleagues are planning to ditch you, ditch them first. If work stops you, put in extra hours to wrap things up. Remember, everything else can wait but not a rejuvenating trip. Go for it!
5. When your travel destination turns out to be something else: When you search travel destinations on any search engine, you would surely look at pictures of the place, wouldn't you. What if the isolated beach you'd visualized is, in reality, packed with tourists to an extent that you can't find a spot for yourself? Or the hotel you'd booked is one where no soul roams in the corridor? Do your research properly. And, keep in mind the fact that there are thousands of others who are typing the same thing at the same speed as you are in their respective systems. Choose correct. Choose wisely. And enjoy.
P.S. Thank you for bearing with our lame survival guide. We would have not followed it ourselves. We are too proud to get hold of our boss' leg and beg for mercy when they fire us or leave our home (our shelter) when mum throws us out for setting our priorities wrong (opting to travel rather than attend a family function) or end years of friendship (we give in to emotional blackmails easily). Therefore, we do exactly the opposite of what we proposed (we play safe, you see).
Have a good day and if you are making travel plans, have a happy journey!
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