9 Types Of People You Meet At A Bar
| Offshoot Books
When the Sun sets and the moon dons its hat, it's the time for the night riders to emerge from their homes. Ripping out the mask of sophistication and expectations, they walk in, dressed to kill and have the blast of a lifetime. The way they graze the rim of the lightning and neatly squeeze spirit on spirit shows that they mean business. Wait! If you thought that we're talking about the night riders or a cult, you've got it wrong. They are our drinkers (did you get our wordplay with booze jargons? We're funny as hell!). There's no better place for them than a bar. It's a place which invites every type of person. Right from the regulars to social drinkers and from those who know how to handle their drinks to those who're out of the game in a sip, there are many colorful and entertaining personalities who will give you memories to cherish (and some, that are better kept under the wraps or completely burned down). When you are ready to go out and rock the world, donning your favorite dress/suit for the evening and riding high on those heels, be prepared for some unusual encounters at the place from the following types of people you will definitely meet in a bar.
1. Broken-hearted Lovers:
While enjoying your glass of martini, if you are distracted by someone with droopy shoulders (that carry the grief of heartbreaks), sniffling sobs and self-loathing, you've met the lover whose heart has been crushed to pieces. Teary-eyed, anger evident on their face, broken-heart lovers seek refuge in a bar. They are the ones who enter a bar to forget their past and come out of the grief and pain from a recent break-up. Well, not necessarily recent. There might be a few who will be sobbing while recalling their love affairs that they had years back – in high school or college days.
2. Eyeing Their Date:
This is a category of people who are on the look-out for their prospective date. Be it a meeting of people who'd thought of giving dating apps a shot or the second category that decides to play Romeo on the lookout for his Juliet (which is basically every second girl he sets his eyes on), a bar makes for the perfect lover's destination. With roving eyes, alert senses and a cheeky smile, you'll find people who are present in a bar only to check out others in the hope of either flirting or hang out with them.
3. Busy-ness Bees:
A lot of business deals are done in a bar. You will find two categories of such businessmen – the flashy high-class business lads finalizing the deals for their business, and the sophisticated business leaders signing the business agreements. The sassiest group present in the lot, they have files and customary drinks (suited for their category) to accompany them. They mean business and a bar is the best place to strike a deal. If they go ahead with it, it calls for celebration and if not, where else would you drown your grief-stricken soul?
4. The Lone Soul:
This alone guy will neither talk to others nor is interesting in creating a scene. He's there to sip his drink and have some quality time. Enjoying every sip that refresh his senses, he can be scene lost in his own world, oblivious to his surroundings. Such people neither need a company nor are in the lookout for the same. They may look lonely but they tend to enjoy the most.
5. The Old Boy:
The old boys are one of the oldest regular customers of the bar. Celebrity of sorts at the place, the waiters, the manager or even the not-so regular visitors can easily identify them. They generally have a fixed drink and style ('the regular' as they say, with a finger in the air accompanied with a nod). They will enter the bar, sit in their regular places, enjoy their drink, observe people and will share numerous stories with people with an ear for them.
6. The Underage Drinker:
If you've ever caught the staff at the bar eyeing suspiciously mature looking young adults who create a scene calling themselves of the legal age and showing their (fake) driving licenses as proof, you are familiar with this category. Riding high on hormones, young (underage fellows, to be exact) lads can be seen hiding in some shady corner of the bar, sending either their mature-looking friend or the one who falls under the legal drinking age to get a glimpse of the adult world and to taste rebellion. They try their best to remain undetected and enjoy the company of their gang.
7. Sober Friend:
The lone rational person in a gang (or rather, irrational! After all, who comes to a bar for the sole purpose of NOT drinking?!), he is the one who occasionally drinks or does not drink at all. He is there to accompany his friends (or had come because the majority sided with party-in-a-bar idea) and most importantly, drive back his drunk friends to their respective places (and cover up for their hooliganism and ruckus created at the bar). The gang owes not one but many to these (in)sane people for saving them on various occasions.
8. The Bachelor/Bachelorette's Gang:
A wedding in the group? There's no better place to celebrate than a bar where you can advice the concerned person to spend the remaining happy days of their lives doing what they want. They will be seen indulging in drinks to an extent as if the one celebrating his/her bachelor’s night won’t get a chance to drink ever again (is this a cue for all the singles?). Shouting, creating a ruckus as if this is the do or die time, this is the over-excited crowd.
Your Boss:
Did I hear that right?! Yes! You read it right. When in a bar, there are chances that you may bump into your boss who's either about to pop open the cork or sloshed and flushed, thanks to his employees who give him a hard time. You may find it awkward or be surprised to see him there, but we would advise you to make a perfect use of the situation and try to befriend your boss. Get your brain working. This might be the best opportunity to gel well with your boss.
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