7 Things Parents Should Be Strict About
| Offshoot Books
It is always good to be friends with your children, to know their perspectives and understand their view point. But as a parenting rule, it is not always okay to give your children freedom at all times – times when their demands are unreasonable and not beneficial for them.
Even if you are a lenient parent, you need to draw a line when it comes to certain things that your child does. We share some points where you need to pay attention and be strict with your children.
1. They follow a healthy sleep pattern: A healthy sleep pattern is essential for everyone – be it a child or an adult. It is essential for parents to keep a tab on the sleep patterns of their child, and make sure that the child gets required amount of sleep on a daily basis. Sufficient sleep would provide them a healthy mind, and hence will help them stay active throughout the day. Going to bed and waking up on time is a routine one must adhere to even on weekends.
2. They complete their homework on time: Studying is important and so is practicing what they have studied in school. Ensure that your child completes her/his homework on time. It doesn’t mean that the child should be glued to her/his books as soon as they reach home. Let them take rest, have lunch and then complete their homework. This will be helpful for them in the future as they will become more disciplined and organized, and will learn to complete their tasks on time.
3. They practice healthy habits: To stay fit and be healthy, it is important to follow a healthy routine. Make sure your child eats healthy and fresh food, and ensure that they don't gorge on only junk and unhealthy food all the time. Along with eating healthy, practicing oral health is also important. Brushing teeth twice a day, washing hands before and after eating, keeping their nails clean, are some such healthy habits that the child should follow religiously.
4. They understand their responsibilities: A child should be well-acquainted with the responsibilities that she/he holds whether in the presence or absence of their parents. Keeping things in place, taking care of and respecting their elders and younger ones, looking after their pets, are few things that they should be taught.
5. They are aware of the right behavior: Good manners, one's behavior and respect they show towards others are some of the key features of one’s personality. A child can inculcate and develop these personality traits only when the parents introduce these qualities to a child at the right time. Sometimes minor mistakes can be ignored, but when you know that your child has either misbehaved with someone or has spoken rudely or disrespectfully then it is not only your responsibility to correct her/him, but is also your duty to tell them about the consequences that their behavior can have. By teaching respect for every living being, you will build the future for your child.
6. They are watching right and relevant things: Taking breaks from studies, playing, and watching television and surfing the internet are also essential so that the child can relax. But, make sure that you keep an eye on things that your child watches, especially in the case of teens. Ensure that your child browses the internet under your supervision, and keep a child lock on those television channels that you feel may not showcase child-friendly content. Check if your child is not talking to strangers and sharing personal information. But ensure that you do not become a helicopter parent.
7. They hang out with right people: You should not intervene too much in the life of your child nor should you stop them from making friends, but it is always essential to keep a tab on the people she/he hangs out with. You should always be aware of their peers and friends. Invite their friends at home and know about their backgrounds and family. If you find that your child is not in the right company make sure that you speak to your child, and teach her/him how that person’s company may not be right for them.
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