9 Funny Days We Wish Were Officially Celebrated Around The World
| Offshoot Books
The world celebrates many festivals – some really interesting while some, er, quite unusual. Though the ones that fall in the latter category are mostly unofficial, created purely out of need or are a result of a heavily sloshed night, they are so cool that it is hard to ignore them.
We seriously wish if they could get the 'official holiday' tag so that all the people around the world could join in the madness, or, at least, get another day off. Don't believe how crazy these days are? Check them out for yourself!
1. National Wear Your Pajamas To Work Day: Yes, you heard that right! Celebrated in the United States of America on April 16, it's a day, as the name suggests, when you ditch your formal wears for some comfortable pajamas. Even the most serious job requires you to be dressed in your cuddle-worthy pajamas. While the origins of the day are unknown, some speculate that it was meant to give taxpayers a day to relax after Tax Day, which is on April 15.
2. Eat What You Want Day: To all the foodies around the world who had decided to switch to a healthy diet but could not help salivating at the thought of chocolate-oozing brownies or crusty cheesy pizzas, May 11 is the date that you should look forward to. It's the day when you can skip your diet plan and pamper yourself with some lip-smacking delicacies.
3. Leave The Office Early Day: When you enter the corporate world, it becomes difficult to ensure a work-life balance. Peek seasons often require extended shifts, slogging away at night and increases our dependency on caffeine. While your boss won't ask you to take a week off for your hard work, some Samaritans have created Leave The Office Early Day, celebrated on June 2, encouraging people to take some time on a workday for themselves. What are you guys waiting for? Mark the date! It's your ticket to leave office early.
4. International Beer Day: Founded in 2007 by Jesse Avshalomov, this celebration that was, at first, limited to the founder's local area. It soon gained popularity (because of obvious reason – anything with the terms 'drinking' and 'partying' is enough to start the craze) and is now celebrated internationally on the first Friday of every August. Get your mugs ready, mate! (You don't have to check your calendar; we've done our research work. This year, join the celebration on 3rd August.)
5. World Sleep Day: World Sleep Day, celebrated on March 16, aims at raising awareness about the importance of adequate amount of sleep. As a day observed to celebrate sleep, it requires all the people to neatly tuck themselves in between their sheets and return to their dreamy land. Lucky day for all of us would cringe at the thought of our alarm clocks shattering our sweet reverie into thousand pieces or finding it difficult to slide out of our comfortable beds.
6. World Compliment Day: Who doesn't like a compliment? But only few are lucky enough to be genuinely appreciated for their hard work. In order to address this “basic human need for recognition and appreciation”, Hans Poortvliet initiated the celebration of World Compliment Day in Netherlands in 2001. So, how do you celebrate this day? Demand that you be complimented for very single task you perform, be it bad or good and bask in all the praises showered (read hissed under others' breath) at you.
7. Laugh And Get Rich Day: The origins of this unofficial holiday remains unknown but we're sure all of us would be delighted by the idea of getting rich just by laughing. Guess, the creators of this day wanted us to smile more and get rich. In order to celebrate this day, all you have to do is to go to any random person, laugh and demand money for the show.
8.Everything You Do Is Right Day: When you try something for the first time, you may not always strike gold in the first game. That is why, life gives you another chance to correct your mistake. But what if, everything you do...EVERYTHING, is deemed right for a day? Sounds cool, right? Then brace yourself because there exists a day (though it's all made-up, hence unofficial) when everything you do will be considered the correct way / thing. And, this day is celebrated on 16th March. (A little information which should be ignored – March 15 is Everything You Do Is Wrong Day, but we can let that pass. It's not useful!)
9. International Fun At Work Day: April 1 is April Fool's Day. But it is also International Fun At Work Day! No, we're not playing a prank on you. We're being honest. The day encourages people to have fun on their workday and relax. So, if your boss catches you neglecting work, ignoring calls and playing pranks or simply goofing around on this day, you have enough reason to justify your (bad?) deeds.
P.S.: We're starting a petition to make these fun(ny) days official. Join the caravan. After all, the happiness bug should spread all around the world and bring moments of laughter (and offer prolonged bouts of sleep, in case of days dedicated to sleeping) in our lives.
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